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  • Authors: Mai Thị Hạnh (2023-08)

  • Mục đích của bài nghiên cứu nhằm tìm hiểu mối quan hệ di cư của tín đồ Công giáo ở một số tỉnh miền Bắc ra thủ đô Hà Nội và vai trò của facebook đối với thực hành tôn giáo của họ. Bằng việc sử dụng kết hợp phương pháp Dân tộc học truyền thống (offline ethnography) và phương pháp Dân tộc học trực tuyến (online enthography), nghiên cứu này đã lập luận rằng, việc di cư ra thủ đô Hà Nội đã làm cho thực hành tôn giáo của những người Công giáo xuất thân từ nông thôn ít nhiều có sự biến đổi. Nhưng nhờ có facebook, tín đồ Công giáo di cư đã gắn kết với nhau hơn, gần gũi với nhà thờ quên nhà hơn và họ quan tâm hơn với đạo. Nghiên cứu này đã chỉ ra: 1.Facebook như những nhà thờ ảo – không gian ...

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  • Authors: Oren Golan; Deby Babis (2019)

  • In recent decades, social networking sites (SNSs) have revolutionized transnational immigrant social networks channels. SNSs have become a source for engagement within these migrant communities and facilitate a fervent discourse on their perceptions and overall engagement with host societies. In this study, we aim to examine this discourse as they play out over the SNS landscape. Specifically, we ask how does the use of SNSs shape the encounter between migrant workers and host societies? To explore this query we suggest focusing on the case of live-in Filipino caregivers in Israel and their manifestations of host national identification on Facebook. Through an extensive methodological...

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  • Authors: Jefferson Lyndon D. Ragragio (2022)

  • Nationalism is presumed to promote individual and collective freedoms. Under contemporary populism, however, its inclusive vision is reformatted toward an ‘us-versus-them’ form. Against the backdrop of media populism, this article shows how exclusionary nationalism hinges on the communicative might of Facebook which forms part of the bigger project of mediatization of politics in Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines. Through a reading of Duterte pages and interviews with journalists, it examines the prominent themes and narratives that stitch the ‘pro-Duterte’ and ‘anti-critics’ divide. The former is characterized by pro-masses icon, mainstreaming of infrastructure programmes, and police mil...

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  • Authors: Mikyoung Kim; Jin Kyun Lee; Ki-Young Lee (2019)

  • With the growth of consumer skepticism toward advertising, marketers have begun implementing native advertising. Drawing on the Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM), this study examines how content type interacts with product type to influence consumer responses toward native advertising (persuasion knowledge, brand attitude, and intention to click ‘like’) on Facebook. A 2(content type: informative versus entertaining)×2 (product type: utilitarian versus hedonic) between-subjects experimental study was conducted with a total of 155 college-attending Facebook users in South Korea. The results show that, for utilitarian products, informative content elicits more favorable consumer responses ...

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  • Authors: Michael Chan (2018)

  • Drawing from agonistic public sphere perspectives, this study examines the jamming of the Hong Kong Police Force Facebook Page by users from its establishment in October 2015 to March 2016. 203 posts accounting for 96,791 comments were analyzed using a mixed-method approach. Findings showed that the early posts were heavily jammed with three types of counterpublic comments: (1) calls for justice regarding alleged police brutality during the Umbrella Movement one year prior, (2) emotional statements with impolite tone, and (3) accusations of comment deletions by the Page administrators. But, the relative intensity of the three types of counterdiscourses diminished over time. Moreover,...

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  • Authors: Michael Chan (2018)

  • Drawing from agonistic public sphere perspectives, this study examines the jamming of the Hong Kong Police Force Facebook Page by users from its establishment in October 2015 to March 2016. 203 posts accounting for 96,791 comments were analyzed using a mixed-method approach. Findings showed that the early posts were heavily jammed with three types of counterpublic comments: (1) calls for justice regarding alleged police brutality during the Umbrella Movement one year prior, (2) emotional statements with impolite tone, and (3) accusations of comment deletions by the Page administrators. But, the relative intensity of the three types of counterdiscourses diminished over time. Moreover,...

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  • Authors: Gary Tang; Francis L. F. Lee (2018)

  • By studying candidates’ Facebook fan pages and rolling poll data during the Hong Kong Legislative Council election in 2016, this article aims at examining the relationships between candidates’ campaign performance on social media, electoral momentum, and vote shares. We contend that, under specific contextual conditions, social media campaigns could affect candidates’ momentum during the election period, which can in turn affect vote shares. We also examine how the relationships between social media performance and electoral momentum vary according to the candidates’ background characteristics, including age, political affiliation, incumbency status, and scale of the campaign of the p...