Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Wielding soft power: The new public diplomacy
Tác giả : Jan Melissen
Jan Melissen
Năm xuất bản : 5-2005
Nhà xuất bản : Netherlands Institute Of International Relations Clingendael
Tóm tắt : It is tempting to see public diplomacy as old wine in new bottles. Official communication aimed at foreign publics is after all no new phenomenon in international relations. Image cultivation, propaganda and activities that we would now label as public diplomacy are nearly as old as diplomacy itself. Even in ancient times, prestige-conscious princes and their representatives never completely ignored the potential and pitfalls of public opinion in foreign lands. References to the nation and its image go as far back as the Bible, and international relations in ancient Greece and Rome, Byzantium and the Italian Renaissance were familiar with diplomatic activity aimed at foreign publics...
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