Item Infomation

Title: Plenitude: values for a journal that speaks to language, literature, and culture studies
Authors: Tom Clark
Rose Lucas
Emily Palmer
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture. - 2020. - Vol 67. - Nos.2-3. - p.77-82
Abstract: This is a ‘research editorial.’ It expounds the curatorial values that inform editing decisions for the Journal of Language Literature and Culture in 2020, setting them in a context of current scholarly debates and culture. Its main contribution to knowledge is also the JLLC’s main contribution: to embody the active recognition of the importance of a plenary function for journals such as this one. The article frames scholarly practices as balancing a value or ethos of plenitude against the alternative norms of scholarly specialisation, where each function is critical to the viability of the whole. Within that balance, a journal such as JLLC is needed for its capacity to convene scholarly discussions that span the fields of Language, Literature, and Culture.
Description: Tạp chí mua quyền truy cập TAYLOR & FRANCIS
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