Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Looking after the elderly, looking after the nation: Red (Xiao Hongshu) and China’s biopolitical governance of ageing
Tác giả : Wilfred Yang Wang
Năm xuất bản : 2021
Nhà xuất bản : School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Trích dẫn : Asian Journal of Communication. - 2021. - Vol.31, No.5. - P.404 - 420
Tóm tắt : This article examines the cultural production of ageing in China. Specifically, it studies the representation and cultural construction of ageing on Red (xiao hongshu), a popular e-commerce orientated social media application (app). By noting the local in-app and techno-political dynamics the ageing discourse operates in, this article argues that the representation of ageing on Red reflects Chinese platform’s dual ambitions of pursuing market success and securing political support from the party-state. Drawing on data collected from a mixed-method approach of platform and document analysis, it finds that Red’s representation of ageing is located within the state’s official discourse that shifts the caring responsibility and duty to younger family members. By governing the ageing body, the Chinese government is also governing the general population. This article advances knowledge of digital media use in producing cultural discourses around their role in shaping biopolitical governance in China.
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