Item Infomation

Title: How liberals and conservatives respond to feasibility and desirability appeals in anti-tobacco campaigns
Authors: Younghwa Lee
Sukki Yoon
Seungwoo Chun
Chanmo Park
Kacy Kim
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Media and Communication, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea
Citation: Asian Journal of Communication. - 2019. - Vol.29, No.1. - P.55 - 72
Abstract: Using two experiments, this study aims to investigate how politically liberal or conservative message recipients respond to anti-tobacco appeals. The results show that in Study 1, respondents were exposed to a message about price policy. In Study 2, they were exposed to a message about a warning policy. In both studies, liberal participants more favorably evaluated anti-tobacco messages emphasizing feasibility rather than desirability, whereas conservative participants more positively evaluated messages emphasizing desirability rather than feasibility. Implications for policymakers and marketers are discussed.
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