Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : From the Chinese case to the Chinese paradigm: a book review of China’s Media Go Global
Tác giả : Jiang Chang
Năm xuất bản : 2018
Nhà xuất bản : New York: Routledge
Trích dẫn : Asian Journal of Communication. - 2018. - Vol.28, No.5. - P.559 - 560
Tóm tắt : Within the landscape of global media research, the so-called Chinese case has always been attractive for its uniqueness, and as a result, highlighting such uniqueness in their research would seem par for the course for China scholars. Traditionally, critical inquiry into the so-called ‘Chinese characteristics’ requires proficiency in certain theoretical hypotheses and the use of a selective terminology that are overly Eurocentric, a dichotomy where the ‘character-istics’ of Chinese media are both justified and problematized as the very opposite of the Western mode.
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