Item Infomation

Title: Trust, norms and networks in social media environmental mobilization: a social capital analysis of Under the Dome in China
Authors: Xiujun Deng
Shuang Peng
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Citation: Asian Journal of Communication. - 2018. - Vol.28, No.5. - P.526 - 540
Abstract: After the Spring Festival of 2015, an environmental documentary called Under the Dome in which Chai Jing acted as a narrator has caused the public opinion to boom in social media in China. Why could a documentary released by internet attract so much attention and spark such a heated discussion? What are the factors that have influence on the information dissemination of social media environmental mobilization? This paper employed case study and semi-structure interviews to reveal these questions. It turned out that individual trust, group norms and information networks of the social capital played an important role in the social media environmental mobilization. The reason why Under the Dome became a hot issue was that it made full use of the social media users’ trust on the mobilizer, aroused the mobilized’s emotions and combined the network channels of social relationships.
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