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Title: SNS use by the Korean government: a case of Me2Day
Authors: Chung Joo Chung
Seong Eun Cho
Han Woo Park
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Citation: Asian Journal of Communication. - 2014. - Vol.24, No.1. - P.25 - 41
Abstract: This study examines the debates and discussions surrounding the Korean govern-ment’s Me2Day, the largest social networking and microblogging site in the country used by 26 government bureaus, including the Blue House. Me2Day users post messages composed of up to 150 characters and establish links with other users through multimedia-based information and knowledge obtained from their browsers, desktop computers, e-mail messages, and mobile phones. This study provides a better understanding of the characteristics and structures of cyberspace communication between the Korean government and citizens. The results indicate that although each bureau had different goals in terms of using Me2Day, users were more likely to use the service if their bureau actively posted messages or responded to user comments. Users tended to have critical attitudes toward the Korean government when they were allowed to freely post messages and share information.
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