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Title: News use, nationalism, and Internet use motivations as predictors of anti-Japanese political actions in China
Authors: Ki Deuk Hyun
Jinhee Kim
Shaojing Sun
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: School of Communications, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, USA
Citation: Asian Journal of Communication. - 2014. - Vol.24, No.6. - P.589 - 604
Abstract: Although the rise of nationalistic activism in the Chinese online sphere has drawn much scholarly attention, few studies have examined how nationalism, usages, and motivations of the Internet affect nationalistic actions among general Internet users in China. Using Sino-Japanese diplomatic disputes as a testing ground, this study investigates the effects of news use from traditional and new media, nationalistic attitudes, and motivations for Internet use on anti-Japanese political behaviors such as boycotting and protest participation. Analyses of online survey data revealed that nationalism is positively correlated with information-seeking and social-interaction motivations for Internet use regarding Sino-Japanese disputes. Results also showed that the stronger the motivation for using the Internet to discuss topics associated with Sino-Japanese disputes, the more likely respondents engaged in anti-Japanese behaviors. This study indicates that nationalistic attitudes and motivations involved in the use of new media technologies have significant effects on mobilizing supporters for anti-Japanese actions.
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