Item Infomation

Title: Vedic metal and e-mediated space: a perspective from Singapore
Authors: Eugene Dairianathan
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Visual and Performing Arts Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Republic of Singapore
Citation: Asian Journal of Communication. - 2013. - Vol.23, No.4. - P.348 - 367
Abstract: This paper explores the local and transnational social linkages engendered among communities of practice from the production of cyberspace in the musical practice of a notable Singapore-based Extreme Metal group Rudra which they call Vedic metal. The significance of space in lived and living experiences of contemporary communities of practice is encapsulated in Lefebvre’s writings, notably his triad of spatial concerns: spatial practice, representations of space and representational space. In the present context of Rudra, phenomena and practice of space via musical behaviour cannot avoid terms of reference such as technique and technology, particularly with the Internet as new mediated space. Technique, as skill acquisition of ‘instrumental techniques’, in conventions of practice and standards of excellence emerges as disciplined behaviour. But these techniques serve more as a/venues by which voices are en/abled towards what may be considered expressive ‘know-how’. From the case study of Rudra’s cultural productions, therefore technology as ‘know-how’ cannot be understood merely as a function of musical and instrumental technique, but also as a function of the human capacity in intentional material action. Both practice-as-technique and practice-as-technology suggest that intentional materiality is amenable to observation and replicable elsewhere. Re/productivity of living space is therefore contingent upon other spaces of connectivity, albeit with varying degrees of strength contributing to their myriad activities.
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