Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : White or tan? A cross-cultural analysis of skin beauty advertisements between China and the United States
Tác giả : Qinwei (Vivi) Xie
Meng Zhang
Năm xuất bản : 2013
Trích dẫn : Asian Journal of Communication. - 2013. - Vol.23, No.5. - P.538 - 554
Tóm tắt : Femininity and beauty ideals are historically and culturally constructed. The current study examines the role of advertising in cultivating and accentuating cultural ideals of skin beauty. A content analysis was conducted on skin beauty advertisements (SBAs) in women’s magazines (local editions Cosmopolitan and Vogue) from China and the USA. The findings provide evidence for the ‘white or tan’ dichotomy in skin beauty ideals between contemporary Eastern and Western cultures as how they are reflected and reproduced in SBAs, although the ‘tan ideal’ in the US was not as apparent as the ‘white ideal’ in China. The study also sheds light on the divergence and similarity in global advertising strategies (level of localization and standardization in execution elements) within the two markets. Implications for the globalization of beauty ideals and marketing practices are discussed.
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