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Results 1-10 of 151 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
  • Article

  • Authors: David C. Korten (1980)

  • Through a grant made available by The Ford Founda-to P A gp rat asedeavaile to ith read aFo da-tion, PAR is pleased to present to its readers a compre-hensively documented, in-depth research study on "Corn-munity Organization and Rural Development: A Learning Process Approach...

  • Article

  • Authors: Peter Marcuse (1976)

  • Professionalization of planning and the credentialing processes that will accompany it add importance to a review of the role of professional ethics in planning...

  • Article

  • Authors: John J. Mearsheimer (1994)

  • Cold War ended, Western policymakers have sought to create security arrangements in Europe, as well as in other regions of the globe, that are based on international institutions...

  • Article

  • Authors: Redfield R. Linton; Robert Redfield; Melvillje. Herskovl (1936)

  • Recognizing the importance of the study of acculturation, and the varying points of view from which the problem has been approached...