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  • Authors: Sakari Taipale (2017)

  • Amidst a record influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa into Europe, it is puzzling to notice that many are making their journeys with almost nothing but a smartphone. Families are left behind, yet smartphones travel along. Mobile communication and the family: Asian experiences in technology domestication, an anthology compiled by rising media scholar Sun Sun Lim, unfolds the everyday realities of such diasporic families by investigating their mobile communication practices in Asia. In so doing, the book clarifies the importance of mobile connectivity among a variety of immigrant groups, making the book relevant well beyond Asia.

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  • Authors: May O. Lwin; Augustine Pang; Jun-Qi Loh; Marilyn Hui-Ying Peh; Sarah Ann Rodriguez; Nur Hanisah Binte Zelani (2017)

  • Apology has been found to be the most effective strategy in times of crises. However, there is a dearth of research on the kinds of apology used and how primary stakeholders, in particular consumers, received them. This study aims to examine consumer responses to the types of apologies offered post crises against the levels of attribution of responsibility. We also assess the potential mediating role of ethical concerns by developing the Perception-Behavioral Model of Crisis Response. An experiment was conducted to ascertain consumers’ impression of the organization post-apology. The results showed that the attribution of crisis responsibility significantly influences complaining, wit...

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  • Authors: Sangwon Lee; Jihyun Esther Paik (2017)

  • This study analyzed the coverage by two partisan South Korean newspapers of the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) pandemic, examining differences in their use of news frames and cited sources. A content analysis revealed that Hankyoreh, the left-wing newspaper, placed more emphasis on attributing responsibility to the government and society. In contrast, Chosun Ilbo, the right-wing newspaper, placed more emphasis on attributing responsibility to the individual. Severity/uncertainty, economic consequences, and statistical data frame were utilized more in Hankyoreh than the expected frequency. On the other hand, human interest and reassurance frame were utilized more in Chosun Ilb...

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  • Authors: Farooq Sulehria (2017)

  • Mainstream discourses on the globalisation of media that delineate the emergence of privately owned television channels in the periphery country as evening out metropolitan domination are belied by concrete evidence. This essay argues that the rise of southern players has undermined state broadcasting rather than dismantling ‘media imperialism’. Based on two case studies, Pakistan Television (PTV) and Doordarshan (DD), this study demonstrates that the actual, if inadvertent, victim of globalisation has been state broadcasting and an associated developmentist model of television. As a result the decline of state-led television channels has radically transformed television systems in In...

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  • Authors: Xueqing Li; Michael Chan (2017)

  • Adopting the Orientation–Stimuli–Reasoning–Orientation– Response (O–S–R–O–R) model of political communication effects, this study examines the mediating roles of online/offline political discussion and political trust on the relationship between social media information seeking and online/offline political participation in China and Hong Kong. Findings through structural equation modeling showed that the relationship between information seeking and online participation was mediated by online discussion for both samples. Moreover, the relationship between information seeking and offline participation was mediated by offline discussion, and offline discussion mediated the relationship b...

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  • Authors: Yungwook Kim; Jiyoung Lee; Seungkyung Ham (2018)

  • This study examined the effect of narrative messages of a massive fire crisis on optimistic bias by experimentally comparing the effect of narrative describing a personal story on the crisis incident and that of non-narrative message (Study 1). Researchers further sought the interaction between controllability and the narrative message and the mediated moderation model of risk perception. In Study 2, the effect of narrative message describing a group story on the crisis incident on optimistic bias was further tested in terms of South Korea’s collectivistic culture. Collectivism, along with controllability, was used as a moderator, and mediated moderation models of risk perception were...

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  • Authors: Gary Tang; Francis L. F. Lee (2018)

  • By studying candidates’ Facebook fan pages and rolling poll data during the Hong Kong Legislative Council election in 2016, this article aims at examining the relationships between candidates’ campaign performance on social media, electoral momentum, and vote shares. We contend that, under specific contextual conditions, social media campaigns could affect candidates’ momentum during the election period, which can in turn affect vote shares. We also examine how the relationships between social media performance and electoral momentum vary according to the candidates’ background characteristics, including age, political affiliation, incumbency status, and scale of the campaign of the p...

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  • Authors: Tianjiao Wang; Fei Shen (2018)

  • Perception of party polarization has a positive impact on political participation. While past research suggests that such impact depends upon people’s information use, empirical evidence is lacking. We used a mediated moderation model to test the multiplicative effect between polarization perception and media use on political participation. The data for analysis came from a survey of 625 representative Hong Kong residents in 2015. Findings show that the impact of perceived party polarization on political participation is contingent upon one’s news attentiveness, and that internal political efficacy serves as a mediator that partially explains the interaction effect. Narrowed gaps in poli...

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  • Authors: Michael Chan (2018)

  • Drawing from agonistic public sphere perspectives, this study examines the jamming of the Hong Kong Police Force Facebook Page by users from its establishment in October 2015 to March 2016. 203 posts accounting for 96,791 comments were analyzed using a mixed-method approach. Findings showed that the early posts were heavily jammed with three types of counterpublic comments: (1) calls for justice regarding alleged police brutality during the Umbrella Movement one year prior, (2) emotional statements with impolite tone, and (3) accusations of comment deletions by the Page administrators. But, the relative intensity of the three types of counterdiscourses diminished over time. Moreover,...

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  • Authors: Michael Chan (2018)

  • Drawing from agonistic public sphere perspectives, this study examines the jamming of the Hong Kong Police Force Facebook Page by users from its establishment in October 2015 to March 2016. 203 posts accounting for 96,791 comments were analyzed using a mixed-method approach. Findings showed that the early posts were heavily jammed with three types of counterpublic comments: (1) calls for justice regarding alleged police brutality during the Umbrella Movement one year prior, (2) emotional statements with impolite tone, and (3) accusations of comment deletions by the Page administrators. But, the relative intensity of the three types of counterdiscourses diminished over time. Moreover,...

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  • Authors: Luwei Rose Luqiu; Fan Yang (2018)

  • An analysis spanning 10 years of news reports about Muslims and Islam in Chinese state news media (N = 15,427) demonstrates that Chinese news reports project an overall negative view of Muslims. An implicit association test performed in the non-Muslim Chinese population (N = 1479) reveals negative stereotypes of Muslims. In addition, a survey of Chinese Muslims (N = 384) shows that they perceive negative coverage of Muslims and Islam in Chinese media, and that real-life discrimination might be a consequence of such negative stereotyping. This study reveals that (1) there is an overall negative framing of news coverage of Muslims and Islam; (2) non-Muslim Chinese hold a negative stere...

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  • Authors: Yan Bing Zhang; Soojeong Paik; Chong Xing; Jake Harwood (2018)

  • From the theoretical perspectives of communication accommodation and intergroup contact, this study examined South Korean young adults’ (N = 301) perceptions of their communication experiences with a frequently-contacted grandparent, as well as attitudes toward older adults and own aging. Findings from structural equation modeling indicated that the participants’ attitudes towards older adults were positively predicted by contact frequency with the grandparent and negatively predicted by perceptions of the grandparent’s non-accommodative communication. Analyses of indirect effects revealed that young adults’ intergroup anxiety explained these associations. Although the direct effects ...

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  • Authors: Xiujun Deng; Shuang Peng (2018)

  • After the Spring Festival of 2015, an environmental documentary called Under the Dome in which Chai Jing acted as a narrator has caused the public opinion to boom in social media in China. Why could a documentary released by internet attract so much attention and spark such a heated discussion? What are the factors that have influence on the information dissemination of social media environmental mobilization? This paper employed case study and semi-structure interviews to reveal these questions. It turned out that individual trust, group norms and information networks of the social capital played an important role in the social media environmental mobilization. The reason why Under t...

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  • Authors: Hyo Jung Kim (2018)

  • This study investigates how the public’s perceptions of nuclear power, one of the modern technologies at the center of public debate on risk issues, are influenced by gain versus loss framing in the volatile context of nuclear energy applications in South Korea. Drawing upon prospect theory as its conceptual framework, this experiment using 566 adult participants found that loss-framed messages (i.e. emphasizing the negative outcomes of not using nuclear power) were more effective in increasing participants’ message credibility perceptions as compared to gain-framed messages (i.e. emphasizing the positive outcomes of using nuclear power). Additionally, the results found issue involveme...

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  • Authors: Norman P. Lewis; Bu Zhong; Fan Yang; Yong Zhou (2018)

  • A comparison of 1,096 professional journalists in China and the United States on attitudes toward attribution and plagiarism reveals Chinese journalists were more likely to see attribution as a practice to be embraced regardless of career longevity and culture, suggesting journalistic norms are more important than a collectivist orientation. Attribution was more likely to be embraced by those who see principles as more important than expediency, affirming research that plagiarism is hardly a monolithic concept. Overall, journalists in the two nations did not vary significantly in their attitudes toward plagiarism, despite vast differences in culture and politics as well as evidence th...

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  • Authors: Jiang Chang (2018)

  • Within the landscape of global media research, the so-called Chinese case has always been attractive for its uniqueness, and as a result, highlighting such uniqueness in their research would seem par for the course for China scholars. Traditionally, critical inquiry into the so-called ‘Chinese characteristics’ requires proficiency in certain theoretical hypotheses and the use of a selective terminology that are overly Eurocentric, a dichotomy where the ‘character-istics’ of Chinese media are both justified and problematized as the very opposite of the Western mode.

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  • Authors: Qiaolei Jiang; Yan Li (2018)

  • With rapid adoption of smartphones globally, the negative consequences of excessive smartphone use and dependency, especially among the young, has garnered more public attention recently. This study investigated the factors influencing smartphone dependency among the young. Using the Individual Media Dependency (IMD) perspective, this study proposed an extended IMD model to examine the influencing roles of six IMD goals, three psychological traits (self-esteem, leisure boredom, and sensation seeking), and smartphone use on smartphone dependency. A survey based on stratified random sampling was used to collect data from young smartphone users at one main public university in China. Str...

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  • Authors: Shirley S. Ho; Xiaodong Yang (2018)

  • This study advances the cognitive mediation model (CMM) by examining the factors behind acquiring knowledge about climate change. Based on a nationally representative survey of Singaporeans (N = 1,083), this study supported the original CMM. The extended CMM showed that surveillance gratification was positively associated with traditional and online media attention, while social utility was positively associated with online media attention. While attentions to traditional and online media were positively associated with elaboration, online media attention was positively associated with selective scanning. Elaboration was positively associated with knowledge. Implications for theory an...

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  • Authors: Augustine Pang; May O. Lwin; Chrystal Shu-Min Ng; Ying-Kai Ong; Shannon Rose Wing-Ching Chau; Kristle Poh-Sim Yeow (2018)

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been found to be a strong predictor of a favorable corporate image [Gray, 1986. Managing the corporate image: The key to public trust. London: Quorum Books]. Websites have become an essential communication platform [Dawkins, 2004. Corporate responsibility: The communication challenge. Journal of Communication Management, 9(2), 108–119]. This study aims to investigate how CSR can be used in enhancing organizational corporate image. Content analyses of 150 corporate websites of organizations in Asia headquartered in Singapore were conducted, followed by in-depth interviews with public relations (PR) practitioners to examine the motivations b...

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  • Authors: Dong Han (2018)

  • This research examines privacy law and Human Flesh Search (HFS) on the Chinese Internet. HFS is spontaneous, widely participated search and publication of targeted individuals’ personal information on the Internet. This research sees HFS as an important form of non-institutional information gathering and publication, and argues that the regulation of HFS is not only about privacy but also line-drawing for information collection and dissemination in the digital setting. Therefore, legal instruments and court cases in relation to HFS and online privacy must be assessed as important components of the Chinese state’s Internet regulatory scheme. This research finds that the paired concept...