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Authors: Diah Ayu Candraningrum; Hanipa Yansari (2024) - An interesting book that detailly explains the development of webtoons in South Korea in four time periods. From the first appearance of amateur webcomics distributed via the internet (1998-–2002); transmedia adaptation of webtoons in line with the establishment of online media (2003-–2009); the growth of mobile phone-based ecosystems accompanied by monetization strategies (2010-–2013); and efforts to present webtoons in the international arena (2014-present). The author seems to make great efforts to attract readers, especially those who are not familiar with webtoons, by exploiting the cutting-edge capabilities of the digital era in presenting webtoons, as well as and creating a new media ecosystem in all aspects of production, distribution, and consumption.
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Authors: Catriona Bannister (1999) - Obscurum per obscurius, ignotum per ignotius, "the obscure by the more obscure, the unknown by the more unknown."2 That was how alchemists explained their work, but it is a saying that could be equally well applied to Rimbaud' s poem Voyelles which has confounded and frustrated critics for years. While Voyelles will doubtless always remain an enigmatic poem, this article will attempt to elucidate one aspect of the poem, its strong psychological foundation. The approach used will be based on the theories of C.G. Jung. A Jungian interpretation is especially interesting when applied to Voyelles because Rimbaud chose alchemical imagery to form the basic structure of the poem.3 Alchemy also held a special interest for lung, who saw in its symbolism "psychic processes expressed in pseudo-...
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Authors: Linda Hess-Liechti (1997) - Das Thema: eine Greisin im Rollstuhl, allein in ihrerMansardenwohnung.
Das allgemeine Steigen der Lebenserwartung und die durchschnittlich noch hohere Lebenserwartung der Frauen in der Schweiz schHigt sich thematisch auch in der Literatur nieder. Die vermehrte Prasenz der alten Frau in der Literatur dtirfte eine Retlexion der schweizerischen Alltags-situation sein, in der ein GroBteil der Bevolkerung direkt yom Schicksal der alten Frau als Mutter, Schwiegermutter usw. personlich betroffen ist.
Vom literarischen Gesichtspunkt aus sind die Probleme der jiingeren Frauen bereits ausftihrlich verarbeitet worden.
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Authors: R. D. Bedford (1998) - There could be an argument that English does not readily rhyme - even though it produces a poetry that is overwhelmingly one of rhyme. It does not readily rhyme, that is, in comparison with most Romance languages.
Chaucer rhymes rather than continuing in the native alliterative tradition because he works in a novel way, in what Charles Muscatine called 'the French tradition'. Dante can spin off chains of terza rima in The Divine Comedy and it is no extraordinary feat (though it certainly was to Dorothy Sayers, trying to do the same thing in her English translation); Petrarch can accumulate over three hundred sonnets to Laura without breaking sweat, but English sonneteers collapse after knocking up the odd century or so.
The terms that describe our forms are imported: rhyme or rima...
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Authors: Horst Ruthrof (1997) - The interpretation of orthodox semantics appears to be driven by two assumptions. One, that meaning is a relation between language and the world as a physical given and, two. that this relation is ruled by the definitional syntax of a dictionary. I suggest that both assumtions are misguided. The first assumption is flawed because it begs the question of the interpretive and hence significatory nature of our grasp of the world; the second, because dictionary entries are not so much definitions as records of meanings as social practice. Neither the empiricist tradition which undermines the problematic of mediation in the notion of 'world' nor the formal and hence homosemiotic trust in meaning as definition provide a sound footing for semantics. The paper offers an intersemiotic and he...
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Authors: Inge Kabell; Hanne Lauridsen (1997) - In the period 1933-1940 four foreign, English-speaking scholars/teachers came to the University of Copenhagen, one after another. The second of these was Ian Maxwell, undoubtedly the first Australian in the Danish capital to teach English to Danish students.
In a students' magazine, dated 1949, Professor C.A. Bodelsen I dis-cusses these foreign teachers and underlines the advantages to himself, his colleagues and to the students of having a 'native speaker' in their midst.
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Authors: Geoff Wilkes (1997) - Fallada's third novel, which was based on his experiences as a journalist in Neumunster and his knowledge of the Schleswig-Holstein Landvolkbewegung, was completed in September 1930, serialised in the Kolnische Illustrierte Zeitung from November, and issued in book form in March 1931. Fallada's working title for the novel was 'Ein kleiner Zirkus namens Monte', but the published title of both the serialisation and the book was Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben.
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Authors: Mai Linh (2023-06) - Bảo hiểm xã hội tự nguyện là loại hình bào hiểm mang ý nghĩa nhân văn sâu sắc vì đã góp phần đảm bảo an sinh xã hội cho những người lao động tự do, giảm bớt những khó khăn khi về già, giúp họ có nguồn thu nhập từ lương hưu để ổn định cuộc sống khi hết tuổi lao động và được hưởng tử tuất khi qua đời. Bài viết phân tích thực trạng và các yeu to tác động đến hoạt động truyền thông về chính sách bảo hiểm xã hội tự nguyện cho người lao động phi chính thức dân tộc Mường tại xã An Phú, huyện Mỹ Đức, thành phố Hà Nội. Các hình thức truyền thông về bảo hiểm xã hội tự nguyện tại xã An Phú thông qua các buổi hội thảo, các buổi sinh hoạt hội phụ nữ, các cuộc họp thôn, xóm và loa phát thanh của xẫ, nhưng tỉ lệ người lao động tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội tự nguyên còn thấp. Nhận thức của người dân và...
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Authors: Ji Mi Hong; Dong Hoo Kim (2022) - In many domains of health risk prevention and management, tailoring messages specifically for different stages of change is critical. In the context of smoking cessation, this research represents an initial attempt to discover stage-specific affective profiles in terms of guilt versus shame. It then examines whether stage-congruent emotional appeals increase the persuasiveness of antismoking campaigns. Study 1 found that participants felt more negative self-conscious emotions as they entered the later stages of smoking cessation, showing more salient emotional states of guilt rather than shame. Study 2 found that stage emotion compatibility, such as that exhibited by participants in the early stages of change, was not altered by emotional appeals regardless of the emotional type. In...
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Authors: Axel Laurs (2000) - Familiar landmarks in the criticism of E.T.A. Hoffmann's Das Fraulein von Scuderi include psychopathological or redemptive artist figures, philistinism and the regeneration of society, as well as issues pertaining to detective fiction. A much less well-beaten track leads in the direction of the socio-political and juridical implications of the story. Alone the subtitle, "Erzahlung aus dem Zeitalter Ludwig des Vierzehnten," vouches for an importance and intentionality beyond mere historical titillation. Just before commencing, Sylvester the narrator explicitly underscores the historical context: "Wir haben soeben an Voltaire gedacht, ihr moget daher, meine teuren Serapions-Briider, an sein Siecle de Louis XIV, an dies Zeitalter iiberhaupt selbst denken „.."