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  • Book chapter

  • Authors: Russell Arent (2009)

  • Sometimes intercultural conversations go very smoothly and are extremely intriguing; think of a walk at sunset on a beautiful beach, for example...

  • Book chapter

  • Authors: Vũ Thị Bích Phượng (2007)

  • I. Khái niệm, ý nghĩa, đặc điểm, phân loạỉ các thiết bị, dụng cụ sản xuất của bô phận bếp - II. Giới thiệu cách sử dụng và bảo quản một số trang thiết bị, dụng cụ sản xuất của bô phận bếp - III. An toàn và vệ sinh ưong sản xuất chê' biến ở bộ phận bếp

  • Book

  • Authors: Jan Melissen (2005-05)

  • It is tempting to see public diplomacy as old wine in new bottles. Official communication aimed at foreign publics is after all no new phenomenon in international relations. Image cultivation, propaganda and activities that we would now label as public diplomacy are nearly as old as diplomacy itself. Even in ancient times, prestige-conscious princes and their representatives never completely ignored the potential and pitfalls of public opinion in foreign lands. References to the nation and its image go as far back as the Bible, and international relations in ancient Greece and Rome, Byzantium and the Italian Renaissance were familiar with diplomatic activity aimed at foreign publics...

  • Book chapter

  • Authors: John Field (2000)

  • In this extended essay our first professor of lifelong learning, John Field,2 brings to his subject what the subject has long been crying out for: a comprehensive knowledge of the literature, old and new, primary and secondary, national and international;3 an understanding of the terrain that takes in both the larger structural features characteristic of the subject as a whole, together with the multitude of facts attaching to its many parts; and a measured judgement which manages to remain free of the cynicism which finds in lifelong learning nothing but an empty catch phrase, and free also of the insouciance found in those who see in lifelong learning a revolution set to usher in - if it hasn't already - a land of educational plenty.

  • Book chapter

  • Authors: Ph.D Qian Tang (2012)

  • Note from the Assistant Director-General for Education - Acknowledgements from the Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning - Introduction - Vision - Purposes - Principles - Key areas of action at national level - 1. Establishing RVA as a key component of a national lifelong learning strategy - 2. Developing RVA systems that are accessible to all - 3. Making RVA integral to education and training systems - 4. Creating a coordinated national structure involving all stakeholders - 5. Building the capacities of RVA personnel - 6. Designing sustainable funding mechanisms - UNESCO commitments - Glossary - Bibliography

  • Book chapter

  • Authors: Tephen D. Tansey; Nigel Jackson (2008)

  • The collapse of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of the East European ‘Communist Bloc’ has generated the impression that Marxism is a failed ideology...

  • Book chapter

  • Authors: Stephen D. Tansey; Nigel Jackson (2008)

  • An important psychological and political factor seems to be the ‘racial’ identity of the ethnic groups concerned...